The following describes how to write an IPv6z address, which is a link-local IPv6 address:
The format is: <ipv6-link-local-address>%<egress-interface> where:
egress-interface (also known as zone) = vlan<vlan-id> | po <number> | tunnel <number> | port<number> | 0
If the egress interface is not specified, the default interface is selected. Specifying egress interface = 0 is equal to not defining an egress interface.
The following combinations are possible:
- ipv6_address%egress-interface—Refers to the IPv6 address on the interface specified.
- ipv6_address%0—Refers to the IPv6 address on the single interface on which an IPv6 address is defined.
- ipv6_address—Refers to the IPv6 address on the single interface on which an IPv6 address is defined.
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